Chicken induced tourettes

Hi All, I was just hanging out over the deck rail muttering expletives at one of our chickens. Her name is Minnie, not after the mouse of American fame but after the Minx of U.K. comic fame. Minnie the Minx was a horror of a child who spent most of her time terrorising the neighbourhood….

How to fry an egg on your forehead

Hola fellow world travellers, If you hadn’t gauged by the title of this post it’s a tad warm on Serendipity Farm and has been for a while now. It’s 3pm and 36.1C so if this post is slightly manic, you need to take the heat into consideration (It’s “my” excuse and I am sticking with…

Not dead, just busy as all get out

Hi All, You may have wondered why everything has been very quiet on the blogging front on Serendipity Farm well truth be known, Steve and I have been taking advantage of the sunny weather and our 6 weeks off from TAFE (college) to throw ourselves headfirst and upside down into tidying up the property and…

Merry Christmas 2017

Hi All, Well it’s that time of year again. Hasn’t it galloped up quickly this year? Merry Christmas to my merry band of faithful followers and welcome to the odd straggler that happens upon one of my posts. Here’s to a wonderful and purposeful Christmas to all of us and the approach of 2018 gives…

Tamar Valley-Sidmouth Sunny Sunday

Hi All, Well another Sunday has ebbed and flowed under the life bridge and we find ourselves contemplating our navels on Monday. That means there are only 2 weeks to “C” day and that will have a lot of people in a flap but we are enjoying the summer, doing what we like in the…

Decembuary the somethingth

Hi All, Well it’s December, it’s almost Christmas and the year has flown by SO fast I am still reeling on my feet. Here we are knocking at the door of 2018 and I have only just gotten used to writing 2017. We have had some hot weather here in Tasmania, followed by a 15C…

And so it goes…

Hi All, Another Sunday came and went and I didn’t do a blog post but this time it was deliberate as I wanted to film a short video of our property to show you and we were too busy yesterday because we were in the garden rehousing Steve’s disabled chicken “Limpy”. Limpy is an exception…

Snow and hot water bottles in November

Hi All, Well it’s official. It’s winter again apparently. Last night we had minus 2C and we both needed hot water bottles and Earl and Bezial needed their blankets again. I did hear that there was a sizable chunk of iceberg floating around off the coast of Macquarie Island which is pretty close to Tasmania…

When your phone dies and that’s a good thing

Hi All, As you may have ascertained by the title of today’s blog post, our phone died. We bought a phone with a Testra contract years ago. We were suckered into buying a Nokia Windows phone (yes…don’t wince) because it had a 40 megapixel camera and we figured we would be able to take good…

The one where Narf7 gets the flu

Hi All, What do you do when you have a cold, you feel generally weak and lethargic and you sound like Bea Arthur from the Golden Girls? You write a blog post, that’s what you do! I wrote this two weeks ago when I thought I had a “cold”. It turns out I had the…

It’s been a while…

Good lord, how did most of a year get away from me?! I was chatting to Robbie from Palm Rae Potager who prompted me, in the nicest way, to post. A lot has happened since we last parted ways. I almost feel like I should be saying “Forgive me Father for I have sinned…” Life…